Sunday, August 18, 2013


From approximately March to June of this year, I read a lot of old Captain Britain comics. Starting with BIRTH OF A LEGEND and SIEGE OF CAMELOT, two hardcovers collecting Cap's earliest appearances, which were produced by Marvel U.S. for release through Marvel U.K., I then moved on to the CAPTAIN BRITAIN OMNIBUS, which collects all of Alan Davis's work on Cap's solo stories, now produced by Marvel U.K.'s own home-grown talent.

Having finished all this material I had never before read, I decided to revisit Captain Britain's early Marvel U.S. appearances in the pages of EXCALIBUR CLASSIC volumes 1 - 5, and EXCALIBUR VISIONARIES: ALAN DAVIS 1 - 3. I skipped all the (frequent) fill-ins, reading only the material by Chris Claremont and/or Alan Davis.

It's been a couple months now since I finished the books, and I wasn't really entertaining thoughts of blogging at the time, so my "reviews" of this material will be informal and less detailed than those I hope to produce in the future. But I enjoyed these stories, so I'd like to say something about them while they're still somewhat fresh in my mind.

So, beginning Monday: the first in a series of classic Captain Britain reviews!

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