Sunday, August 21, 2016


Well, as I did last year and the year before around this time, I'd like to acknowledge another anniversary for the blog. To be exact, my first post went up on August 16th of 2013, so I'm almost a week late, but since I'm too anal to deviate from my normal "announcements on Sundays" routine, here we are.

As usual, I'm trying to stay ahead of schedule, even with the new Bundle of Joy in the house. To that end, a few months back I scaled down my Monday-Wednesday postings to Mondays only. As a result, I was able to finish reading and writing posts about the full John Byrne FANTASTIC FOUR run just before the baby was born, and those are now queued up to be published through the remainder of 2016. Fridays aren't booked quite so far in advance, but I do have them going into early November at the moment via the recently announced Dreamwave TRANSFORMERS part 2 series.

Since I've done this each of the past two years, let's see what gets the most hits around here these days: According to the "All Time" counter, the X-Men Collected Editions chart remains my most visited page, with the INFINITY GAUNTLET OMNIBUS review still clocking in at second place with about one-fourth as many hits. Third place remains the same as last summer too, in the form of the SPIDER-MAN by Roger Stern review series I did a couple years back. So really, nothing has changed at all in the past year in the terms of my most frequently visited pages.

What Google search terms are bringing people here? Besides variations on the title of the blog, it seems searching for reviews of the afore-mentioned INFINITY GAUNTLET OMNIBUS remains a popular venue of entry, and folks looking for reviews of Moon Knight comics and X-Men collected editions tie for third.

So those are the stats for my three-year anniversary. As noted above, Byrne FF and Dreamwave TRANSFORMERS will take us up to the end of the year, and the usual Unboxings and X-Men collected edition reviews will continue monthly on Sundays, with a few more various Sunday posts on other topics upcoming as well. Come 2017, I'll be back with my annual "Year in Review/State of the Blog", so see you then!


  1. Congrats on the three years — and on the Bundle of Joy again too; not his real name, I assume. Sorry to be such a fair-weather reader, or the opposite, really, as I tend to catch up on blogs I’ve yet to ingrain myself to visiting regularly when I’m under the weather or otherwise not able to do much else… I opened my TextEdit file for comments here and found that there were a batch of comments dating back months that I’d never posted even before I started up again!

    I used to find some really weird search terms, back when I put up new content more regularly and I remembered to check Stats daily or so.

    1. Yes, we decided to give the child a name, but I'm jut not advertising it online. And no worries about not reading regularly; I'm just glad to have you along!

      Say, how is it that I don't have a link to your blog in my sidebar? I better fix that.

    2. Thanks! I'll return the favor when I update it soon-ish, but to answer your rhetorical question it's likely at least in part because I've been extremely light with posts for a while now. And re the kids's name, I'm totally with you on not mentioning it online; I was merely joshing.

    3. Oh geez — I really hope his name's not Josh...

    4. Ha! Nope, not Josh. But that's the only clue you get!
