I have to say... when I started this blog, the intention was absolutely not for it to be "All Captain Britain, All the Time". But I started writing my review posts and found that I had more to say than I'd originally expected. Beyond that, I wrote some supplemental posts to toss in among the reviews as needed. The idea, as I laid out in my very first post was: review Monday, something else Friday, with a supplemental post in between, on Wednesday. I actually thought I'd need to fill space!
But now that my Cap reviews will be posted on Mondays and Wednesdays, I find myself with these extra supplemental things sitting around, looking for homes. I think I'll post them on the weekends -- which could mean Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. There may not be one every week, but for the duration of the solo Captain Britain reviews, there should be. Once my Cap reviews move on to EXCALIBUR, I believe they will cease -- or at least become more infrequent.
And by the way, my appreciation goes out to anyone who's sticking through the CAPTAIN BRITAIN reviews, even if they aren't your cup of tea. I'll be the first to admit that they aren't so much "reviews" as they are broad recaps with stream-of-consciousness ramblings tossed in. As I said a couple weeks ago, when I read these comics, I hadn't decided to start a blog. Once we move past Captain Britain, the reviews should be more focused, if still somewhat informal.
Thanks for bearing with me as I figure out this "blogging" thing!