Monday, October 30, 2023


Story: Bob Harras & Terry Kavanagh | Writer: Bob Harras
Breakdowns: Mike Deodato | Finisher: Tom Palmer
Colorist: Mike Thomas | Letterer: Bill Oakley
Editor: Ralph Macchio | Editor-in-Chief: Mark Gruenwald

The Plot: CAPTAIN AMERICA #441: "Through the Perilous Fight" by Mark Gruenwald, Dave Hoover, and Danny Bulandi, Don Hudson, Rick Hoover, & Keith Williams: Captain America and Bucky battle MODOK, until the villain escapes. Falcon finds Cap, but Bucky is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, Adaptoids take Free Spirit and Jack Flag to the A.I.M. command center, where they are ordered to dispose of the trespassers. Elsewhere, Superia and Snapdragon explore the island, while MODOK flies down into the huge crater in an attempt to stop the chain reactions across the island. Elsewhere still, Black Widow and Hercules explore the island, encountering Cosmic Cube-created simulations of the Widow's ex-husband, Red Guardian, as well as Taylor Madison.

Inside the A.I.M. base, the Red Skull confronts A.I.M.'s leader, Alessandrio Brannex, who reveals himself as the Super-Adaptoid. Meanwhile, outside, the temporary antidote Superia gave Captain America wears off, and Cap's atrophy returns. Falcon picks him up to carry him. Back inside, Jack Flag and Free Spirit escape the Adaptoid agents carrying them, just as the base begins to fall apart thanks to energy beams lancing up from beneath the island's surface. Outside, one such beam kills the Red Guardian simulation. Captain America and Falcon are attacked by Adaptoids, and Falcon drops Cap. Jack Flag and Free Spirit exit the base and spot the battle. While Spirit checks on Cap, Jack runs off to help Falcon. Superia and Snapdragon find Free Spirit and Cap, and Snapdragon battles Free Spirit, beating her. Superia grabs Cap, but more energy beams separate them. Cap is hit by a beam, but suddenly his armor appears and he flies into the main energy source, where he finds MODOK begging for help.

AVENGERS #388: The boy who previously found Captain America watches as Cap is sucked into the vortex. Within, Cap finds MODOK, babbling about the power of the Cosmic Cube being too much for humanity to contain. Elsewhere, Black Widow, Hercules, and Giant-Man watch as the island of Boca Caliente changes, revealed as a metal construct created by A.I.M. Quicksilver and Crystal rejoin their teammates, while inside the energy vortex, MODOK allows himself to be sucked into the dimension that birthed the Cosmic Cube. Meanwhile, in the ruins of the A.I.M. complex, the Red Skull is found by a female agent under his command, who flees over the power of the Cube. Captain America, now emerged from the vortex, finds the boy, revealed as an Adaptoid and the island's guardian.

The Avengers work to evacuate Boca Caliente's civilian population. Falcon arrives to join Black Widow and Giant-Man in searching for Captain America. Meanwhile, Superia finds Cap and offers him more of her antidote in exchange for his services. While the Avengers continue their evacuation, they are joined by Snapdragon. Cap refuses Superia's bargain, but the Red Skull arrives and takes her serum instead, then blasts her. The Skull leaves, while Cap and the boy/Adaptoid move toward the heart of the demolished complex. Black Widow, Falcon, and Giant-Man find the Skull's agent, who directs them after Cap. At that moment, Cap and the Adaptoid reach the source of the Cosmic Cube energy. The Adaptoid sacrifices itself to contain the energy and stop the island's destruction. Falcon, Giant-Man, and Black Widow find Captain America as the sun rises over the metal island of Boca Caliente.

Monday, October 23, 2023


Story: Bob Harras & Terry Kavanagh | Writer: Bob Harras
Breakdowns: Mike Deodato | Finishes: Tom Palmer
Colorist: John Kalisz | Letterer: Bill Oakley
Editor: Ralph Macchio | Editor-in-Chief: Mark Gruenwald

The Plot: CAPTAIN AMERICA #440: "Dawn's Early Light" by Mark Gruenwald, Dave Hoover, and Marie Severin, Dan Bulandi, & Don Hudson: Captain America tries to recruit his old friend, Demolition Man, for a mission to the island of Boca Caliente, but D-Man is unable to attend. Later, Cap meets up with his team -- his trainees, Jack Flag and Free Spirit, his former partner, the Falcon, his pilot, Zack Moonhunter, and his tech expert, Fabian Stankowicz. The group receives a briefing from Nick Fury on an energy surge from Boca Caliente which read to SHIELD as similar to the Cosmic Cube. Then Fury departs, and Cap's team heads out. On Boca Caliente, A.I.M. operative MODAM enters a chamber bathed with energy. Meanwhile, Cap's enemy Superia and her right hand, Snapdragon, observe Boca Caliente from a boat offshore.

Captain America, Falcon, Jack Flag, and Free Spirit swim to Boca Caliente and split up. At Avengers Mansion, Black Widow says that the readings Captain America recently went to investigate on Boca Caliente are identical to those she recently tracked in Canada, and the heroes depart to catch up with Cap. On the island, Jack Flag and Free Spirit witness the arrival of the Red Skull, who takes out two guards and enters A.I.M.'s complex. A moment later, the guards rise and metamorph, revealing themselves to be A.I.M. Adaptoids, and attack Jack and Free Spirit. On the island's beach, Fabian activates a small army of robots and sends them out to create a diversion. Meanwhile, Cap and Falcon find a deep crater, and Cap jumps toward it just as an energy flare emerges, separating him from Falcon. As Falcon searches for Cap, he is attacked by another Adaptoid. Meanwhile, Cap lays paralyzed until Superia finds him and injects something into his cheek.

AVENGERS #440: A young boy on Boca Caliente finds Captain America, out of his armor, laying on the ground. Cap gets up, and Bucky appears to greet him. Meanwhile, the Avengers have arrived on the island and engaged with A.I.M. troops. They rout the villains, and Black Widow reveals the readings she's been tracking recently are those of a Cosmic Cube. A moment later, Quicksilver's thoughts come to life thanks to the Cube energy, and the Avengers find themselves in the camp where he grew up, with his foster father, Django Maximoff, welcoming them. Meanwhile, Bucky helps Captain America fight off some A.I.M. agents. Inside the A.I.M. complex, the Red Skull stalks the agent in command, Brannex. Outside, two Adaptoids battle and defeat Jack Flag and Free Spirit. Elswehwere, the Avengers sit around a campfire with Django. Meanwhile, Cap, Bucky, and the boy find Falcon and his Adaptoid foe both unconscious. Cap suddenly weakens, and then a moment later A.I.M. operative MODOK arrives.

Monday, October 16, 2023


Plot: Bob Harras & Terry Kavanagh | Script: Bob Harras
Guest Penciler: Angel Medina | Guest Inker: Scott Koblish
Colorist: John Kalisz | Letterers: Bill Oakley & NJQ
Editor: Ralph Macchio | Editor-in-Chief: Mark Gruenwald

The Plot: In a complex deep beneath the ground in Canada, the Red Skull escapes from the Avengers, leaving the Black Widow's beaten mentor, Ivan, behind. As the heroes tend to Ivan, Hercules climbs back out of the complex to get a medical kit from their Quinjet. Meanwhile, on the island of Boca Caliente in the Caribbean, a mystery man inflitrates another hidden complex. Back in Canada, Hercules emerges from the ground to find an injured Captain America waiting. But Cap stuns Hercules and reveals himself as the Red Skull in disguise.

Down in the complex, the Skull appears and knocks out Crystal, leavng Quicksilver and Black Widow the only Avengers standing. The Skull is about to kill Quicksilver when Black Widow rescues him. Back in the complex on on Boca Caliente, the mystery figure attempts a power drain on the computer, but instead the structure self-destructs. In Canada, Black Widow fights the Red Skull one-on-one. He gains the upper hand, but she uses her Widow's Bite to overlaod his powered suit -- however, the Skull still stands. But before he can finish the Widow off, he receives a transmission from Boca Caliente and aburptly teleports away.

The Avengers return with Ivan to their mansion, where they are greeted by Captain America, wearing a suit of battle armor.

Monday, October 9, 2023


Stan Lee presents a new threar for the mighty Avengers...
Story: Bob Harras & Terry Kavanagh | Script: Bob Harras
Breakdowns: Mike Deodato & John Buscema | Finishes: Tom Palmer
Colorist: John Kalisz | Letterer: Bill Oakley
Editor: Ralph Macchio | Editor-in-Chief: Mark Gruenwald

The Plot: Black Widow meets with her mentor and father figure, Ivan, in Manhattan. Ivan tells her that he recently learned of a massive energy surge in Canada. The Widow leaves to assemble the Avengers, warning Ivan to watch his back. But as he drives home, Ivan is ambushed and captured by a mystery figure.

At Avengers Mansion, Deathcry is injured when the strange door in the basement emits a blast of flame. The Avengers depart for Canada, leaving Deathcry behind on monitor duty. Nick Fury learns of the group's course for Canada, and is none too pleased. When the Avengers reach their destination, they find a massive crater in the ground. The group descends, but they are ambushed at the bottom by the Red Skull, standing over Ivan's body.

Continuity Notes: It is revealed that Ivan is who the Black Widow spoke with on the phone in the prior issue.

As described above, the Avengers' mystery door shoots fire at Quicksilver, Crystal, and Deathcry as they scan it. However, though she is hit by the flames, Deathcry is not burned. Quicksilver speculates that a temporal paradox is involved, though how he arrives at that conclusion is beyond me. (I mean, yes, the Avengers scanned temporal energy behind the door when they first discovered it, but what would that have to do with flames not burning someone?) As the trio walks away from the door, they fail to hear someone or something inside tapping on it.

Monday, October 2, 2023


Stan Lee presents a tale of losses and lies
Story: Bob Harras & Terry Kavanagh | Dialogue: Bob Harras
Pencils: Mike Deodato | Inks: Tom Palmer | Colors: John Kalisz
Letters: Bill Oakley | Editor: Ralph Macchio | Boss: Mark Gruenwald

The Plot: In Manhattan, two mysterious men visit the apartment of Taylor Madison and Augustine Jones, but find the women aren't there. Meanwhile, Augustine leads Taylor to Avengers Mansion. At the same time, Hercules and Quicksilver visit the Schuyler Hill Memorial Daycare Center, where Taylor works -- but Hercules is told that she resigned weeks ago. Back at Avengers Mansion, Augustine ensnares the Avengers with magic. When Hercules and Quicksilver return home, Augustine reveals herself as Hera. She knocks out Quicksilver, then Hercules attacks. But their battle is interrupted by the arrival of the two men: Zeus and Ares.

Ares reveals that, in order to get back into his father's favor, he told Zeus about his wager with Hera way back when they first made it. Zeus then explains that in order to draw Hera out, he created Taylor Madison -- a construct with all the qualities to become Hercules' soulmate. Zeus tells Hercules that with Hera's defeat, Taylor will now vanish. She and Hercules share a kiss as she fades away. Enraged, Hercules attacks his father, and Zeus punishes his impertinence by stripping him of his immortality and banishing him from Olympus forever. Zeus then vanishes with Hera and Ares, while Hercules weeps for Madison.

Continuity Notes: Black Widow has a phone conversation with an unknown party, promising him (or her, but my money's on him as I'm pretty sure I know who it is) that she will meet him tomorrow.

In the same scene, Widow asks Giant-Man about the mystery chamber in the mansion's sub-basement, which the group discovered in issue 382.