Monday, September 16, 2024


Script Gerry Conway | Artists: Don Newton & Alfredo Alcala
Letterer: Ben Oda | Colorist: Adrienne Roy | Editor: Len Wein

The Plot: On a stormy night, Rupert Thorne answers his townhouse door to find the corpse of Professor Hugo Strange, wearing a Batman costume, standing on his porch, threatening that he will kill Thorne. The apparition vanishes and Thorne quickly makes a phone call to Doctor Thirteen for help. Meanwhile, Batman meets with Jim Gordon, Jason Bard, and Vicki Vale. The detectives ask Vicki to show Batman her photo of Rupert Thorne from the night he confronted her late boss, Morton Monroe, shortly before Monroe killed himself.

The next day, Doctor Thirteen visits Thorne, who explains that Hugo Strange is haunting him. Meanwhile, Batman visits Gotham Prison to speak with Deadshot about the photos he was given that allegedly proved Batman was actually Bruce Wayne. But Deadshot instead tells Batman that the prison's warden is in cahoots with Commissioner Peter Pauling, and arranged for Deadshot's escape to go after Wayne, and that the warden is now under orders to kill both Deadshot and Batman. Batman and Deadshot team up to take out the guards and leave the prison. As the unlikely duo drives away in the Batmobile, Deadshot reveals that the Wayne photos were given to him by Pauling and Thorne. Batman knocks Deadshot out and drives him to the Batcave.

Elsewhere, Doctor Thirteen visits Greytowers, the clinic once run by Hugo Strange. He explores until he finds Strange's secret lab, where the ghost of the deceased professor appears to menace him. Back at Wayne Manor, Alfred is cleaning the Batcave when Batman arrives with Deadshot. Alfred directs Batman to the television, where Commissioner Pauling says that due to the prison break, Batman is now Public Enemy Number 1 -- which leads Batman to break out in a fit of laughter.

Monday, September 9, 2024


Writer Gerry Conway | Guest Artist: Jose Garcia Lopez | Inker: Dan Adkins
Letterer: Ben Oda | Colorist: Adrienne Roy | Editor: Len Wein

The Plot: Following a target practice session with some Batman posters, the Joker heads to his hideout and rallies his gang for a new caper. The next morning, Bruce Wayne has accompanied Vicki Vale to Gotham Central Station, which is to be demolished by explosives precisely placed by a special computer. But when the demolition procedure begins, nothing happens. The computer is discovered to be missing, with the Joker's calling card on the construction crew's monitor.

Some detective work by Alfred and the Batcomputer reveals that ten acres of land were recently purchased in New Jersey by one "Harlan Quinn". Batman heads to Jersey to investigate and is promptly and efficiently captured by the Joker. When he comes around, Batman is tied to a cliffside which the Joker has rigged with explosives. Using the demolition computer, he has placed the charges precisely to carve out an approximation of his face in the cliff in the vein of Mt. Rushmore. Joker heads to his control panel, but Batman frees himself from his bonds and activates a device to jam the computer signal. The Caped Crusader then confronts Joker and his men, and a fight breaks out. Joker shoots at Batman with his crossbow, but the bolt hits the jamming device in the Darknight Detective's utility belt.

With the jamming signal gone, the explosives go off, knocking Batman and the Joker into the sea. Joker's scheme is a success, as his face appears carved into the rock -- but it lasts only for a moment and then crumbles, with Batman speculating that his jammer fouled up the computer's timing, resulting in an unstable structure.

Monday, September 2, 2024


Plot Gerry Conway | Script: Paul Kupperberg
Pencils: Don Newton | Inks: John Calnan
Letterer: Ben Oda | Colorist: Adrienne Roy | Editor: Len Wein

The Plot: Batman is in Washington, D.C. on a top from the Navy, and watches from atop the Washington Monument as a zeppelin enters D.C. airspace, broadcasting a ransom demand from Colonel Blimp -- ten million dollars for the submarine and warship he has captured, along with their crews. Batman hitches a ride aboard the ship, but finds a detonation device inside. He exits quickly, just before the hydrogen-powered blimp explodes and crashes.

Later, at the Batcave, the Batcomputer has pinpointed the likely location of the captured Naval craft, in the arctic. Batman dispatches Robin in the Batplane to investigate, while Batman drives the Batmobile to New Jersey on a hunch. Sure enough, he finds Blimp's hangar in the woods and sneaks inside, where he learns that the Department of the Navy has agreed to Blimp's demand. Meanwhile, Robin arrives in the arctic and finds the captured ship and sub, landlocked on the ice. He asks the battleship's crew to get the guns in working order, and soon afterward, a zeppelin dispatched by Blimp arrives. Its crew disembarks and is captured by the sailors, while Robin boards the airship and contacts Blimp, telling him his scheme is blown.

Batman takes that cue to show himself. He knocks out Blimp's men and confronts the villain, who gets off a single shot before Batman knocks him out and takes him into custody.