Writer: Bill Mantlo | Embellisher: Dan Green
Letterer: Diana Albers | Colorist: Don Warfield
Editor: Roger Stern | Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
And introducing the pulse-pounding penciling of John Romita Jr.
Writer: Bill Mantlo | Embellisher: Dan Green
Letterer: Diana Albers | Colorist: Don Warfield
Editor: Roger Stern | Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
And introducing the pulse-pounding penciling of John Romita Jr.

When he reaches his penthouse, Tony is attacked by the Ani-Men, servants of Avengers' foe Count Nefaria. After the Ani-Men knock Tony out, Whitney reveals herself as Madame Masque, and states her plot to force Tony into curing Nefaria, her father, of an affliction she blames on the Avengers.
Continuity Notes: As a Marvel comic from the seventies, this issue is steeped in references to past stories and overflowing with footnotes: the Avengers battle with the Unicorn, as well as with a robot called Arsenal, is stated to have occurred in the past two issues of IRON MAN. The review of Unicorn's history references TALES OF SUSPENSE #56, IRON MAN #4, IRON MAN #57, and IRON MAN #69. Tony also notes that he hasn't seen Whitney since "yesterday", in IRON MAN #113.
Observed by a mysterious assassin... |
Lastly, Madame Masque is a foe of Iron Man dating back to the lates sixties, while the condition of her father, Count Nefaria -- he appears to be elderly and decrepit -- is most likely a reference to his epic battle with the Avengers in a story by Jim Shooter and John Byrne. I have shockingly never read those issues, even though I have a collected edition that includes them, though someday I plan to get around to it.
My Thoughts: I love "continuity porn" as much as the next guy, but this issue is insane. Just look at my notes above. The story is a massive info-dump which serves little purpose. But then, I've never been a fan of Bill Mantlo. I find his work over-written and boring, and his stories rarely hold my attention. I know he has his fans, but I'll never understand why. His Spider-Man material, which is how I'm best familiar with him, is pretty much dreck.
I feel like this exchange is meant to be funny, but... it's not. It's just not. |
And speaking of which -- with Michelinie and Layton about to arrive next issue, I'm curious to see how they'll proceed with Mantlo's plots. I'm not certain how long he'd been writing IRON MAN at this point, but clearly he was juggling several plot threads. Obviously the Madame Masque storyline must be resolved, as it's this issue's cliffhanger -- but what about the mysterious assassin tailing Stark and the "Other" (coughTitanium Mancough)? Will they be addressed? I guess we'll soon find out...
ReplyDeleteI’d been dipping into the occasional Iron Man during my Avengers read and I figured I might as well check out this series of yours too. Arsenal’s debut in #114 was one of those issues because I’ve always loved his and the poignant Mistress computer program’s appearance in Avengers Annual #9, with beautiful Don Newton pencils, so picking up with #115 wasn’t hard.
Can’t say I disagree on the recap/reference overload. From what I recall (and just confirmed), last issue and this both open with the team having to deal with Unicorn’s inert body, #114 waking him up only to see him defeated by Arsenal — it’s largely redundant save for introducing Arsenal so he can return in that annual, even though he could’ve easily been introduced there.
// I feel like this exchange is meant to be funny, but... it's not. //